Big, Scaly, Ugly Monster

This is how I have felt lately. Why? Well, I am glad you asked. Let me explain a little. Big? Well that is pretty obvious… if you saw me here at least. I’m about a foot taller than almost everyone. I think Mas Indra and Mas James are my height and Mas Ara is taller than me. That is about it. I’m taller than everyone else. Everyone in COTI too. So that is the Big part. Scaly? Well the way everyone stares at me here you would think I was covered in scales. It didn’t bother me for about a month but now coupled with everything else and normal day to day stresses it has really started to bug me. Am I covered in scales? Can I just not see them? Is that why I’m so itchy all the time? Dry scales and not dry skin? Ugly. This is the big one. I feel ugly here. 1. Because people stare and 2. because I am not a normal body type here. I keep being told how funny my body shape is. Not funsies. People here don’t believe I eat. Even when they see me eat every day (house mom!). When I do eat, I don’t eat enough. I’m just some ugly little stick. In America I have a great, almost perfect figure. Here I am a freak of nature giant. *sigh* Just some ramblings I had to get out. I know I’m “attractive” by American standards but here I just feel funny. It’s an odd feeling.