Random Thoughts

Seeing someone wear skin colored leggings as pants (which is just never ok, really, they are NOT pants.) with a jilbab (Indonesians use this word for headscarf) is a strange thing to see. Not saying you can’t do it… but looking 100% naked from the waist down seems to compete with the modesty of the jilbab in my opinion.

Buying stamps is expensive. Buying 200 stamps is really expensive.

I went 20 days without being called “mister.” Note: not an insult. A lot of times Indonesians will learn the word mister but not misses. So they mean it in a nice, respectful way.

In my opinion, if sparks are literally flying you shouldn’t be wearing slippahs (flip-flops for non-islanders).

I am getting better at dealing with my own issues with wanting things to happen quickly aka right away. Living in Hawaii for many years has helped with this. Kind of.

People here are very nice and, so far, don’t get frustrated with me when I can’t remember something and have to take a second to think of a different way to say it.

I’m starting to hate packing.

I really miss my Mr. Sunshine Kitty. I need some cat cuddles.

I cannot handle the nasal drip anymore. I wonder if I take enough benadryl if I’ll turn pink like a flamingo. Like that episode of Scrubs where the guy was orange.


Ok. Random thoughts out of my head and I feel better. Now to take on the next couple of days. Moving, unpacking, taking on that whole motorbike thing, printing out a bazillion (or 150) questionnaires, addressing 150 envelopes unless I can find somewhere that prints labels, a meeting or two, and off to the Festival Dalang Wanita 2014 in Solo!

Can’t wait for this festival. I am so darn excited. Hooray!


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