So, a wonderful and kind dalang (puppeteer for the art form I study) I know was generous enough to give me the number of one of the female dalang I wish to study next year. So I got all super nervous and wrote my first text out in Word and had two people check it. Then I sent it off into the world of SMS. Then, TA-DA, the female dalang messaged me back and said she would meet me. SO happy, words cannot express. This means I can talk with her (hopefully my Indonesian will be OK) and maybe set up some time for next year to get together.  This could also open doors to many other dalang perempuan… haha I typed in Indonesian without thinking about it.  I mean other female dalang.

Also I got to talk to Lani today. That was pretty amazing. Everyone keeps posting these awesome hiking photos of Hawaii on facebook and it made me miss beautiful beaches and beautiful people. So I gave Lani a call and it made me feel revived. Thanks Lani!

WHAT A HAPPY DAY! Hence the adorable happy cat photo up at top. That is how I feel. Like a warm happy cat! HOOORAY!