Queen of the Riddles

Today was awesome. Thank you Julia for being born. My first class was ok. I think I understood about 3/4 which is a HUGE improvement. I still can’t speak but I can read faster and understand more. Our third class however was VERY difficult for me. Not because I couldn’t understand (well I didn’t but for different reasons) but because I was up most of last night and I could barely keep my eyes open. We had a gentleman come talk to us about the National Exam system in Indonesia and he was so monotone that I kept falling asleep a bit. However, I got over that real quick once the class was out and I could put some food in my belly. Then I had loads of energy. Maybe I caught my second wind. I ended up not going with Ara because I decided it was a better idea to walk. We (Matt, Emma, Taomo, and Jack) met up with Julia so she could show us the way to her house. She has quite a bit of a walk. Past stores, little restaurants, up a hill… It’s a little mini trek. We hiked up a little hill and made it to her home-stay. The house is beautiful. It is too bad she isn’t allowed to walk alone at night (All the women aren’t supposed to, but she isn’t allowed since someone was attacked walking to her home-stay last year… awkward) and that she has to move houses because her host mom is going to Jakarta and they don’t want her alone. We all gathered and helped Julia cook yummy Bi Bim Bop. She found a small store with korean ingredients and it tasted like home. Not just for Julia, but for me too. Korean fast food is what Meg and I would live off of. Yum yum yum. It was such a fun night! I even had fun with Ara. His crazy self. I still think he is mad at me or something, but whatever. We all sat outside at Julia’s and told jokes and riddles. It was so funny. I became the queen of riddles and whistles. Ara became a sociopath. It was just a lovely evening. The jokes and riddles were silly but I have to share some. I got the last two right:

How do you get an elephant the freezer?
-You open it up, put it in, and close the door.

How do you get a horse in the freezer?
-You take out the elephant and then put the horse in.

Two animals are in a race. A crocodile and a horse. Who wins?
-The crocodile, the horse is still in the freezer.

It was just too silly and too much fun. Then Julia told a riddle about Bobby’s World. It was hilarious because Matt did not get it but kept guessing things correctly but had ZERO idea why he was right. We all just laughed and laughed and it was wonderful bonding between COTI kids, some PIBBI kids, and the LTC friends. I got in some serious high-fives with Mas Indra and Mas Daniel.