Another day.

Today was the day of walking in a circle and spending money in said circle. Last night was rather rough. My throat felt like it was exploding. I’ve never had a sore throat like this. It felt like my throat couldn’t move. Like it was made of stone. Stone that could magically feel pain and was coated in phlegm. So that’s fun.  Then I had to sleep at a specific angle so I could you know… breathe and not choke. Those are two of my favorite things really and I like continuing to do them. After falling asleep I ended up waking up 2 and a half hours before my alarm because my new neighbors have a “special” little child. I thought the loud German guys were a bit of a pain. This kid running around at 6am screaming like a crazy person is much more of a pain. She was having fun. I was not. We will see how tomorrow goes.

I did end up eventually falling back asleep for a bit of a nap but because of that I ended up waking up, getting ready, and eating breakfast way later than I had originally planned. So at about 1pm I asked the front desk folks, who are very nice, about the doctor they had listed in their info book. They told me where it was and that I could just walk in, no appointment needed. So I headed out on the supposedly 5 minute walk. It was 10 but that was ok. When I got there I was told that the doctor only works 2 hours a day at that office and he would be in at 3. So my longer than expected nap was a blessing in disguise. It was 2 o’clock at this point so I went down the street to a Taiwanese dessert place and had a nice tea drink with tapioca pearls while I waited. I then headed back to Apotek K-24 right before 3. I was then number 2 in line to see the doctor. At 3:40 the doctor finally showed up. Didn’t seem to be a big deal at the apotek so I imagine that is normal. Now please note I was and am sick so I was and am very cranky. I didn’t show it but I believe if you’re only somewhere for two hours you shouldn’t be 40 minutes late. The doctor was able to see all 3 people that were there before he checked out, good thing there were not more waiting. He was incredibly nice though. He even broke down what was in each of the pills he was prescribing. So even being 40 minutes late I still say I’d recommend Doctor Paulus. He was kind, informed me of everything that was going on with my throat, was very funny and nice during the blackout that happened when it started to rain, and the whole shebang cost me 325,000 rupiah. That is about $28.50. For the doctor visit and both medications. The last pills I tried to purchase in the US, during the brief period I was insuranceless, were priced at $669.  No, I didn’t mess that up. Six hundred and sixty nine freakin’ dollars. Not including the doctors visit. Which was also very expensive. Sigh.

After the doctors I continued my circle walk. I went to grab some more money and then hit up a restaurant I know and like that was on the way back round the circle. I had some spicy tongseng jamur. A spicy curry-like dish sometimes made with goat but made with mushrooms in this version. It was very delicious. Give it a try if you see it somewhere.

That is about it for my day. I did stop by the store to pick up some snacks for later because I knew I wouldn’t want to go out again. Walking around took it out of me today. Stupid throat infection. Maybe after another night of good sleep + these pills will  make me feel much better tomorrow. At least I’m no longer contagious. Who wants to share some silverware? A straw? Let me lick your face? No? No takers? Fine. Your loss, bub.


Tootles, peeps. Hopefully no more “woe is me I’m sick” posts after this one.

Time to get down to business.



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